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Decision making
Too many options available? Find out which way you want to go.
Every day we make thousands of decisions unconsciously. Some decisions are more difficult because they have a long-term character or require a more profound change from us. I support you in developing a decision basis that brings you closer to your desired goals. Services during the decision making process: - Preliminary telephone conversation approx. 15 min - Questionnaire for clarification of concerns - to make sure we are working on the right thing - Implementation coaching 60 min - photo protocol - Additional materials as needed
1 Std.1 StdLocation 1
169 Schweizer Franken
169 CHF
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Für Stornierungen und Umbuchungen bitten wir um Benachrichtigung bis spätestens 24 Stunden vorher.
Luzern, Schweiz
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