Vision and Realization
You have a vision, but don't know how to implement it?
Personally, I love having visions and putting them into practice. For example, when I was 22, I had a deep desire to learn Spanish and I went to Barcelona. Or then I had the vision to work on a beach. I looked for a job in the Caribbean in Mexico via the Internet and realized my dream. Or I wanted to help people and found a job in development cooperation. Later I had the dream to be self-employed and today I have a consulting company and a coaching business. I am a firm believer that visions and dreams can be realized if you are also willing to go the distance, overcome hurdles, invest something and overcome fears and self-doubt. Services during the decision-making process: - Preliminary telephone conversation approx. 15 min - Questionnaire for clarification of concerns - Implementation coaching 60 min - photo protocol - Additional materials as needed
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Luzern, Schweiz